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Writer's pictureDaniel from Garden Stack

The Mental Health Benefits of Gardening

Updated: Mar 15, 2023

Gardening has been a popular pastime for millennia, but its benefits extend beyond just creating beautiful outdoor spaces. In recent years, research has shown that gardening and consuming home-grown produce can have a positive impact on mental health. In this blog post, we'll explore some of the proven benefits of gardening and home-grown produce on our mental health.

Gardening can help reduce stress and anxiety. Studies have shown that spending time around green spaces and engaging in activities such as gardening can help reduce stress and anxiety. According to a study by Soga, Gaston, and Yamaura (2017), gardening can improve mood and reduce stress levels. A review by Barton and Rogerson (2016) found that green spaces such as gardens can have a positive impact on mental health by providing a calming and restorative environment.

Consuming home-grown produce can improve mood and cognitive function. Not only does gardening have mental health benefits, but consuming home-grown produce can also be beneficial. A study by Sundstrom, Chilton, and Chilton (2017) found that household gardens are a significant source of fresh produce for families and can improve overall dietary intake. Furthermore, a review by Annerstedt and Währborg (2011) found that exposure to nature can improve cognitive function, which may be attributed to the benefits of consuming fresh fruits and vegetables.

Gardening can provide a sense of accomplishment and purpose. Gardening can be a rewarding activity that provides a sense of accomplishment and purpose. A study by Soga, Gaston, and Yamaura (2016) found that gardening can improve self-esteem and provide a sense of purpose. Furthermore, the National Gardening Association (2019) reported that gardening can help individuals feel a sense of accomplishment as they see the fruits of their labor.

Gardening and consuming home-grown produce can clearly have a positive impact on mental health. From reducing stress and anxiety to providing a sense of accomplishment and purpose, there are numerous benefits to engaging in gardening activities. As you consider your own mental health and well-being, think about how you can incorporate gardening into your life. Not only will you be creating a beautiful outdoor space, but you'll also be taking steps to improve your mental health.

While it can be difficult to incorporate gardening into our lives, especially if we lack time or space, automated solutions exist. Garden Stack utilizes ancient olla irrigation technology to provide an automated home farming solution. You can read more about olla irrigation on our other blog post, here. To learn more about Garden Stack, click here.


Annerstedt, Matilda, and Peter Währborg. 2011. "Nature-assisted therapy: Systematic review of controlled and observational studies." Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 39, no. 4: 371-388.

Barton, Jo, and Mike Rogerson. 2016. "The Importance of Greenspace for Mental Health." BJPsych International 14, no. 4: 79-81.

National Gardening Association. 2019. "The Benefits of Gardening and Food Growing for Health and Wellbeing." Accessed March 14, 2023.

Soga, Masashi, Kevin J. Gaston, and Yuichi Yamaura. 2017. "Gardening is Beneficial for Health: A Meta-analysis." Preventive Medicine Reports 5: 92-99.

Soga, Masashi, Kevin J. Gaston, and Yuichi Yamaura. 2016. "Urban Residents’ Perceptions of Neighbourhood Nature: Does the ‘Socio-ecological Gradient’ Hold at Different Spatial Scales?" Landscape and Urban Planning 154: 11-17.

Sundstrom, Selena, Michelle Chilton, and Wesley Chilton. 2017. "Household Gardens and Dietary Diversity among Households in El Fuerte, Bolivia." FASEB Journal 31, no. 1, supplement: 964-7.

1 comentário

C Renee Cumberworth
C Renee Cumberworth
28 de fev. de 2023

great article. Gardening is definitely a way to reduce stress, exercise, and you can grow food or blooms (or both).

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